January 2024 Newsletter

Damp January

We all make resolutions to go to the gym more, lose weight, get more sleep, and drink less alcohol. New Years Day provides the perfect couch opportunity to watch football and drink maybe a little less beer than last week. Some writers are even talking about a “Damp January” instead of a totally Dry January. This idea embraces the fact that total abstinence is really hard, so cutting back may be a strategy we can stick to. As a winery owner, I respect that, and I like to encourage good habits.

Here are some additional good habits to consider:

Support agriculture in this state – Less than ten wineries in Oklahoma have real, working vineyards producing most of their products. We are one of those. The other wineries get juice and concentrate from out of state. They contribute exactly zero to agricultural jobs of planting, pruning, maintaining, harvesting in Oklahoma.

Support low carbon footprint wine – Shipping wine across the country or around the world is costly in terms of dollars and energy use. Locally produced wine involves much lower energy use. Of course, when you consume locally produced wine, from wineries with real vineyards, you are keeping a lot of jobs and money in our state.

Learn what’s in the food and wine you eat – The more you know about the health impact of chemicals, nano-plastics, and the industrialized food and wine (any beverage) chain, the more you will want to visit the smaller, artisanal bakeries, wineries, meat markets and so on. Most of the small food production businesses I know are concerned about human health, their impact on the planet, and making a quality product with few additives. The owners sleep well at night. The same cannot be said about factory food and wine of any kind. Profit drives production decisions that are usually not in our best interests.

Recycle as much as you can – Less than 10% of our cans and bottles are recycled. This 90% that goes in the trash represents an enormous disposal and energy problem since recycled glass and metals use a fraction of the energy that newly mined materials do. Do something to benefit your children and grandchildren. Drop off your recycled containers and paper as part of other planned trips. It’s a habit that will benefit everyone.

I hope to see you at the gym soon.

Bob Wickizer Winemaker

             You eat and drink this. Do you know what it is? (Answer below)

Winery Events

  • Thursday, February 1st: St. Tryphon feast day- Free tastings at the winery
  • Saturday, February 10th: Chocolate Pairing with wine- Sign up HERE
  • Wednesday, February 14th: Valentine’s Dinner- Sign up HERE
  • Sunday, February 18th: National Drink Wine Day- 10% off in the Tasting Room

Saturday, February 24th: National “Open that bottle night”- 50% off for a glass of wine. We will be open until 8 pm.

Outside Winery Events

  • Saturday, February 24th: Muskogee Chocolate Festival

Looking Ahead

In 2024, we will roll out some new events on a regular basis! Look for Friday pizza nights, as well as Friday Bingo nights and Sunday Brunch coming to a winery near you!!!

Thinking About Growing Grapes?

We have about 8 acres planted with over 2,500 vines in production. This spring we are planting another 500 vines on our new north property. You will be invited to come celebrate our planting weekend in April. But have you ever considered growing grapes yourself?  About 16-20 plants can produce 6 gallons or 30 bottles of wine in 3-4 years.

Stop in and talk to us about it. We can give lots of advice on growing grapes and making wine. Or we can buy your grapes. If you would be interested in committing to a larger plot of land-to-grape production, we can be your best customer.

Cows and soybeans can be boring. Grapes will help you diversify and have more fun.


Wine makes a GREAT gift! did you know that we ship to 38 states, making it an easy gift to send to your loved ones? Ordering is easy on our website!

We ship to the following states: AK, AZ, CO, DC, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MN, MO, NC, ND, NE, NH, NM, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY

Answer: It is a Monomer unit of common food and wine polyphenol called a “tannin” molecule. In red wine, these things chemically link together to form long chains or polymers. It is a very slow process. Eventually, the long chains settle to the bottom of the bottle as sediment. This is why old red wines become clearer with age. When the tannins combine, they “soften” the wine’s mouthfeel. Come to the winery for more fun chemistry lessons!